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La Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI AMR) ha pubblicato il  bando europeo dedicato alla resistenza antimicrobica.

Tre i topic previsti:

1. New targets:

  • Studies of new bacterial targets or mechanisms of resistance (examples include studies on novel enzyme or efflux pump inhibitors or others), including studies aimed at understanding and overcoming the mechanisms controlling the generation of resistance.

2. New therapies:

  • Studies of new compounds (including new antibiotics and alternatives).
  • Strategies to inhibit or reduce the acquisition of resistance, such as single molecular agents effective against multiple targets as well as therapeutics that enhance immune-mediated pathogen elimination, disrupt colonisation or biofilm development, and reduce virulence.
  • Discovery and implementation of novel therapies to overcome known antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and/or to restore susceptibility to conventional antibiotics.
  • Re-evaluation of existing anti-microbial compounds in the context of their combination with new, innovative targets, compounds or tools.

3. New tools/assays:

  • Strategies and/or innovative tools or assays that improve, enhance, and/or facilitate the identification or validation of new effective compounds or therapies.
  • Strategies and/or innovative tools for optimization of drug use, dosage and delivery of new drugs.
  • Exploration of bacterial genes e.g. expression of latent gene clusters

Il bando seguirà un approccio a due step, con la scandeza per la prima fase prevista per il 7 marzo 2018.

Il budget previsto è di circa 15 milioni di euro. L'Italia partecipa attraverso il Ministero della Salute con un budget di 500.000€: sono eligibili esclusivamente gli Istitutidi Ricoveroe Curaa Carattere Scientifico pubblicie privati (IRCCS). 

Data apertura
Data chiusura
Enti di Ricerca
Enti Locali e Pubblica Amministrazione
Tipo finanziamento
Unione Europea

Ministero della Salute

Maria Josè Ruiz Alvarez - mj.ruizalvarez?esterno@sanita.it       
Giselda Scalera - research.EU.dgric@sanita.it  

Quadro di finanziamento