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Sono stati selezionati dieci nuovi centri di eccellenza per applicazioni di High Perfomance Computing, in seguito alla recente call nell'ambito del programma European Research Infrastructures, che riguarderanno i settori di ingegneria, scienze ambientali, energia rinnovabile, ideazione e modellazione dei materiali, modellazione atomica e molecolare, Big Data, ricerca bio-molecolare e strumenti per ottimizzare la performance delle applicazioni HCP.

I centri sono:

  • BioExcel-2 - European Centre of Excellence for Bimolecular Research (BioExcel)
  • ChEESE - Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth
  • CompBioMed2 - Centre of Excellence focussed on the use and development of computational methods for biomedical applications 
  • EoCoE-II - The Energy Oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE)
  • ESiWACE2 – The European Center of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE)
  • EXCELLERAT -The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications
  • FocusCoE - The European Centre for contributing to the success of the EU HPC Ecosystem and the EuroHPC
  • HiDALGO - The European Centre of Excellence for developing evidence and understanding concerning Global Challenges and their underlying parameters
  • MaX - The European Centre for Materials design at Exascale (MaX)
  • POP2 - The Centre of Excellence for Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP).
Unione Europea