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A consortium led by a UK company is now in the process of putting together a major consortium for funding under the Horizon Europe framework. This new project focuses on the use of a novel carbon capture process to capture metals from battery black mass and to recycle these metals. It represents a paradigm shift where carbon dioxide is used as a reagent, and the battery supply chain is further enhanced via high-quality secondary active material precursors. The project partners aim to capture carbon dioxide in the recycling processes, and to utilise and temporarily the caught carbon dioxide post-processing.Three partners have already agreed to participate and a further two are being sought:

  • manufacturing battery-active materials (such as NMC, especially metal carbonates as the base or raw materials)
  • manufacturing lithium cells using metal compounds manufactured by the consortium partners). Type of cooperation: research under Horizon Europe CL 5.

Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDUK20210615001


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  • se localizzati in Emilia Romagna, compilare il modulo per manifestare il proprio interesse e spedirlo all'indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it
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Per pubblicare la vostra ricerca partner nel database della rete Enterprise Europe Network è possibile contattare l’ente di riferimento della rete EEN. Qualora localizzati in Emilia-Romagna potete contattare ART-ER all’indirizzo e-mail simpler@art-er.it 

Data chiusura
Unione Europea