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Sono stati pubblicati 13 nuovi bandi del Programma EU4HEALTH (il Programma d’azione dell’Unione Europea in materia di salute per il periodo 2021-2027), in linea con il Programma di Lavoro Annuale 2021.

I 13 bandi, a cui è stato assegnato un budget totale di 7 milioni di euro, riguardano topic diversi in materia di salute, dai dati sanitari, agli stili di vita sani, infezioni, salute mentale, cancro, genomica e altro:

  • Action grants for the Computer-aided Drug Repurposing for Cancer Therapy Project
  • Action grants to support the implementation of best practices in community-based services for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections
  • Action grants to support implementation of best practices on the ground with direct impact on the effort to tackle mental health challenges during COVID-19
  • Action grants to organise and collect data to understand the safety, quality and efficacy of therapies applied in the field of assisted reproduction and based on haematopoietic stem cells
  • Action grants for ‘EU Cancer Treatment Capacity and Capability Mapping’ project - Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres
  • Action grants for the initiative ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’: promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • Action grants to create a ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’
  • Action grants for developing a pilot project for an EU infrastructure ecosystem for the secondary use of health data for research, policy-making and regulatory purposes
  • Action grants boosting cancer prevention through the use of the European Code against Cancer and other concerted actions
  • Action grants for ‘Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All’ including ‘Genomic for Public Health’
  • Action grants to support actions to improve access to human papillomavirus vaccination
  • Action grants supporting training activities, implementation, and best practices
  • Action grants to reduce liver and gastric cancers caused by infections

Le candidature sono aperte fino al 25 gennaio 2022.

Data chiusura
Altri soggetti
Enti Locali e Pubblica Amministrazione
Tipo finanziamento


Unione Europea
Quadro di finanziamento