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Nell'ambito del regolamento relativo al programma Meccanismo per collegare l'Europa - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) e sulla base del Programma di Lavoro Pluriennale 2014-2020, è stato lanciato un bando per un'azione di Supporto al Programma (Programme Support Action - PSA) per il mantenimento e gli sviluppi ulteriori del DATEX per la fornitura dei sistemi e servizi di Trasporto Intelligenti interoperabili per il trasporto su strada.

The following types of Actions related to the objectives of the CEF in general, and to interoperability and continuity of ITS across Member States and operators in particular, are eligible for funding:

  • Provision of technical assistance for the implementation of traffic and travel data specifications and standards;
  • Expenditure linked to IT tools and networks focusing on exchanges of information and guidance to users;
  • Stakeholder consultation and cooperation;
  • Promotion, knowledge dissemination, communication, awareness raising and training activities;
  • Specific studies for the further development of new or adaptation of existing specifications and standards (e.g. conceptual development and technical assessment, development and review of documentation, drafting of standardisation material);
  • Project management, secretariat and meetings;
  • Coordination and monitoring activities.
Scadenza bando
Data chiusura
Altri soggetti
Enti di Ricerca
Enti Locali e Pubblica Amministrazione
Grandi Imprese
Tipo finanziamento


Unione Europea
Quadro di finanziamento