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Pubblicato il primo bando internazionale FLAG-ERA II, la nuova ERA-NET europea dedicata alle FET Flagship (Progetti strategici sulle tecnologie future ed emergenti) che ha preso ufficialmente il via in ottobre e durerà fino a settembre 2021.

La call finanzia progetti in due FET Flagships: Graphene Flagship & Human Brain Project. In particolare, il bando contiene in totale 3 sub-call (basic research or applied research and innovation per la Graphene Flagship e Basic and applied research per il Human Brain Project) che vanno a coprire le seguenti specifiche aree di ricerca:

Graphene Flagship - basic research

1. Synthesis and characterization of Layered Materials (LMs) beyond graphene
2. Large scale production of heterostructures based on LMs
3. Vertical and lateral epitaxy of Graphene and Related Materials (GRMs) for optoelectronics
4. Functional ceramics incorporating GRMs
5. Inks for printing stable, GRM-based, semiconducting thin films
6. Modelling charge and heat transport in GRM-based composites
7. Ecotoxicology of GRMs
8. Nanofluidics using GRMs
9. Novel device concepts based on GRMs for quantum communication
10. Beyond CMOS switches and new computing paradigms based on GRMs

Graphene Flagship - applied research and innovation 

1. In-situ and ex-situ quality control of GRMs
2. Controlling doping in high quality large-area graphene
3. GRMs for smart textiles
4. Functional coatings using GRMs
5. GRMs for corrosion prevention and as lubricants
6. GRMs for thermal management and thermoelectrics
7. Biorecognition of specific disease markers using GRMs
8. Highly selective gas sensors based on GRMs
9. GRM-based bioelectronic technologies

Human Brain Project - basic and applied research

1. Human brain intracranial data and their relationship to other aspects of brain organisation
2. Comparing morphology and physiology of cortical cell types in human and non-human primates
3. Comparative aspects of brain function and connectivity
4. Cross-species multi-scale data constraints for visuo-motor integration
5. The neural bases of spatial navigation and episodic memory
6. Models of auditory processing
7. Dynamics and representation in multi-level systems of human cognitive functions
8. Modelling dendrites within active networks
9. Testing predictive coding and attractor network models
10. Biological deep Learning
11. Disease modelling and simulation
12. Innovative modelling for allosteric drug discovery
13. Integration of simulation tools, neuromorphic computing and robotics with brain and behavioural studies for developing next-generation brain-computer interfaces
14. Text mining of cellular, synaptic, connectomic or functional properties of the brain

Il bando prevede una valutazione a due fasi, con la prima scadenza fissata per il 14 marzo 2017. Attraverso il MIUR, l'Italia partecipera e finanzia la call Graphene areas (Applied research and innovation) e Human Brain Project (Basic and applied research) con un finanziamento complessivo pari a 200.000€.

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Unione Europea


Giorgio Carpino +39 06 5849 7147 - giorgio.carpino@miur.it  

Aldo Covello +39 06 9772 6465 - aldo.covello@miur.it  

Quadro di finanziamento